Testing and Modes preformed by Alan Wilcox W3DVX, www.wilcoxengineering.com
K3S will be shipped Monday, 5/1/2023
UPS tracking information is in email sent by shipper on my behalf.
Work completed:
Completed “LPA Protection Diodes” mod recommended by Elecraft.
Checked the battery: should be okay at 3.03 V.
Checked that the 10W max power output is within specs on all bands.
Noted that 52MHz is typically a bit lower than all the lower bands.
Listened to CW and SSB (MH-2 mic with bias) at max output.
Changing between CW and SSB caused an unexpected 600-Hz freq shift:
Resolved by tapping “5” in the menu item CONFIG:CW WGHT.
Completed calibration procedures below:
Calibration procedures per manual:
Save start configuration. Done 4/27/2023.
Verify you have latest firmware as downloaded from Elecraft.
You now have current 5.67 MCU; 1.26 FPF; 2.88 DSP1, 2
Are there hardware updates recommended? Did LPA mod (above)
Check installed-filter positions and offsets.
(FL1) 13kHz___(FL2) 6kHz___(FL3) 2.7kHz, -0.88, 0 db___(FL4) 2.1kHz___(FL5) 500Hz, -0.72, 4 db
Set (if desired) power-on banner. “K3BPF”
Test and calibrate Synthesizer. n/a with KSYN3A
Wattmeter: 5W, 50W, 1 mW Calibration. Done using LP-100A for 5W and 1 mW only..
TX Gain Calibration on all bands. 5W, 50W, 1 mW. Done for 5W and 1 mW only.
Reference Oscillator calibration using Method 2 (Zero-Beating) with 20 MHz WWV. Done.
Set Front Panel and PA temperature sensors. FP set to 17 deg C when cold.
Calibrate RF Gain. Low level and high level. Done for Main and SubRx.
Check/adjust S-Meter at 50 µV and 1 µV levels using Elecraft XG3 at 10 MHz. Done.
Check/adjust ADC REF parameter following Tech Mode instructions. Done, 4.97V.
Save final configuration with all changes. Done 4/28/2023